Big Ted’s Thank You Adventure Little Story


A Digital Resource Pack for Toddlers and Early Years

Church, Messy Church, Sunday School, Religious Education, Toddlers, Nursery, or Foundation level. Optional Bible verse after the story.


This story aims to help children to be thankful for parents, grandparents, carers, teachers and the many other people in their community who do things for others. Developing an attitude of gratitude does not come easy. However, it can assist in a sense of well-being in adult life and inter-personal relationships. Ideal for use as part of Personal and social education (PSE).

Package contains the story script (PDF) for reading aloud and digital pictures to print / project (PDF).

Additional information

About the author and artist

Richard Hardy has worked with Toddlers and Children in a church context for several years as a minister. Richard lives in Wales. He has addressed Parent & Toddler group leaders seeking to support parents and encourage child development. He has led assemblies and taken R.S. lessons in Schools. Lucy White-Lewis is studying Animation in Wales and has produced a set of delightful original digital images to accompany the story. Images (C) Rev R Hardy

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